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Chesapeake Double and Triple

                               Double       Triple

  Length                     21’                21’

Beam:                    30”               30”

Weight:                  65lb             68lb


Features: Day rigging, 2 hatches

Performance: High-volume touring boats

Class: Day Touring / Touring


The Chesapeake Double™ and Triple™ are high-volume touring boats, with a 700lb payload that belies their surprising speed. The high bow will carry you over all but the worst chop, while the deep stern ensures confident tracking in strong crosswinds, even with a light load. These are substantial boats for serious expeditions. They are comfortable day-trippers for families or couples. The Double and triple will offer the paddler’s voluminous storage and the speed to cover 35 miles in a day.

Suggest Retail Price:

Double $3,555    Triple $3,655