Wave Dancer Productions

Home Up Bow to Bow Comparison North Bay Cape Charles Chesapeake Pax Mill Creek kayak order form West River Shearwater Sport Tandem Ches. Double and Triple Sassafras


        Length              14      16       17

Beam:             21”    21”    22.25”

Weight:          39lb   42lb   44lb


Features: Day rigging, 2 hatches

Performance: Great performance plus it's as

comfortable as the Chesapeake

Class: Touring

The Shearwaters are sleek kayaks that offer speed, versatility, and a "hybrid" deck without losing the comfort of the Chesapeake kayak. Striking and innovative, the Shearwater's deck retains the gentle camber that is a trademark of our kayaks, but the sheer panel of the hull is raked inward to reduce windage and increase paddle clearance.  The shearwaters are responsive in many different conditions. 

The Shearwater deck can be personalized or customized with different types of wood.  Plywood or wood strips may be used in the construction of the foredeck.  Ask your sales person to quote you a price on the different options.

Suggested Retail Price $3,355